A few words about films based on real events
It’s a common fact that filmmakers often shoot films based on true stories. However, there are always people who love to split hairs and criticize the creators for unreliable events. Such people are sure that each fact from the movie should be as real as in a true story. As for me, I don’t belong to such a category of people. Filmmakers don’t have to rely only on real events which they base their film on.
When people go to the movies, they want emotions. They want to sympathize the characters, to get thrilled or to cry on some touching moments. If filmmakers were concentrated only on the facts they would create a documentary which wouldn’t be so popular among the viewers and which definitely wouldn’t evoke any strong emotions.
My balance of truth and fiction is 40/60.
I want to immerse myself in the film events and feel this atmosphere, but not to watch a kind of a video-lecture.