20 things I enjoy. The last two weeks: victories and challenges
20 things I enjoy
1 nice music in a car
2 a smell after rain (petrichor)
3 hugs
4 long conversations with interesting people
5 leaves in spring
6 blue sky
7 street artists singing good songs
8 James McAvoy
9 series and films that make me cry
10 healthy sleep
11 going to the movies
12 fluffy dogs
13 summer nights
14 trains
15 having fun with people who are close to me
16 beautiful views from windows
17 happy smiles on faces of people who got my presents
18 honest night conversations with friends in messengers
19 warm weather
20 trying new things
My victories and challenges of the last two weeks
- Reading [aʊ] in appropriate way
Yay! Finally I can read it like a native speaker (I hope so).
2. Learning some new baseball idioms
Even though I’m still not interested in sports, I like the idioms that I learnt.
3. Talking to people (not only from university) in English
It’s important to me. It seems to me I start overcoming a little barrier and it’s easier to me to practice language with others.
- Sports
Idioms, vocabulary, and the main rules of some games — kill me now. Anyway, every time I get hold of myself and do my best to learn and understand them.
2. Getting up early
Yeah, it’s not about studying, but I couldn’t help writing it. My daily pain.
3. Retelling
Last week we had our first trial retelling and I’m not satisfied with my work. It turned out to be much more difficult than I expected.